Friday, 19 October 2007

News update: social networking, searching, projects (including a prize draw),Coming of Age and Ofsted

Coming of Age Find out about a prize draw, how to find out about the next edition of Coming of Age, a social networking survey and more.


What Web 2.0 projects are you running? Please take 5 minutes to complete our survey.

Information and Communications Technology in UK schools -– characteristics of success

Practical ICT SE01This Special Edition of Practical ICT is based on the Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) report called “The Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills 2006-07, published on 17 October 2007.

The original report summarises the outcomes of around 36,000 routine
inspections and regulatory visits of services for children and learners.
What I have done is to distil what the report says about Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) – “educational technology” – and draw some conclusions about what it means for leaders and managers of ICT in schools, even those not working in England or Wales.

In so doing I have reduced the amount of reading required from 124 pages to 6! I have set out the report into 8 areas of interest, with a number of key messages (implications) for each one.

To download this and also to join in the debate at our Ning community, subscribe to the Practical ICT eJournal. Click here to find out more.

Educational exhibitions, and other learning opportunities

Cilla PickeringCilla discusses her recent experiences at an exhibition, and the effect they had on her willingness to engage with the companies concerned.

What lessons can be drawn that could be applied in school?


What Web 2.0 projects are you running? Please take 5 minutes to complete our survey.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Computers in Classrooms latest issue: a social networking survey, using iPods in Religious Education lessons, coal-mining, Flashmeeting, and much, muc

Computers in Classrooms, October 2007The latest issue of Computers in Classrooms is now available and contains articles on the following subjects:

  • A news update, including the chance to get your students to take part in a survey about social networking, and a prize draw.

  • FlashMeeting in Education -- a wonderful tool for holding online meetings with text, video and audio. Paul Harrington explains. Plus a chance to take part in a meeting.

  • Boring the kids into submission -- the title speaks for itself, and in any case it's too tedious to enlarge upon .

  • What’s in a name? Cilla Pickering talks about B-learning.

  • There’s only one thing worse than being talked about, and that’s being talked about too much -- my comments about comments.

  • Finding your way around the Educational Technology -- ICT in Education website: never get lost again.

  • Making it funky -- RE, iPods and MPs -- Paul Hopkins talks about using iPods in the Religious Education curriculum.

  • From Coal Face to Chalk Face! Nigel Willetts started his working life as a coal miner; now he is a highly successful teacher of educational technology. What lessons did he learn from his previous career that he has brought to bear in his current one?

  • K12 Online : Off to a flying start. The first few presentations of this online conference come under the microscope.

To access it online you will need your user ID and password, as this newsletter is for subscribers only. Not a subscriber? It's free, and you can sign up here.