Friday, 14 December 2007

Computers in Classrooms news

The October edition is now available to non-subscribers. It features some great articles, including Paul Hopkins on using iPods and similar devices in the RE curriculum, Cilla Pickering on B-Learning and Nigel Willetts on how being a coal miner prepared him for teaching.

The December edition is nearly out, and includes reports on the new secondary curriculum in England, the Children's Plan, news from Zambia and the USA, and contributions from Dai Barnes, Fiona Aubrey-Smith and Peggy George. This should be out next Tuesday (I am just waiting for permission to quote someone in one of the articles), but in the meantime click on the title to see the full table of contents.

Computers in Classrooms is an opt-in email subscription, which is free of charge. Why not subscribe now?


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Ten ways to always be ready for an ICT inspection

As reported in the December 2007 issue of Computers in Classrooms (publication date 18th December), the UK's inspection body is toying with the idea of no-notice inspections.

In my opinion, that's an excellent idea, and nothing to be afraid of. In this article I suggest ten ways in which the ICT (educational technology) subject leader can be ever-ready for a surprise inspection.

There is an opportunity to discuss these in the Practical ICT community.

This article is available only to subscribers to the Practical ICT eJournal. Click the link to find out more about this low-cost subscription.


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Monday, 10 December 2007

The importance of IT literacy

Do ALL jobs require IT skills?
Lord Mitchell recently said:

“Not having IT skills will soon be as serious as not being able to read.”

Lord Mitchell was speaking specifically about the UK context, but what he said has been said by others, from other countries.

But are these people correct?


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