Thursday, 29 November 2007

Nice NOT doing business with you -- a consultancy I would not wish to work with

Consultant definition

I run a small consultancy business. By "small", I mean that there is only myself going out and doing the work. That means that sometimes I need to partner up with others, join a consortium, or get myself on a larger company's database.

I recently applied to be placed on the books of a large company, and I learnt a lot about what not to do.

If you are trying to get educational ICT embedded in the curriculum, what you need to do is forge partnerships, because teamwork, in the usual sense of the term, is irrelevant here. (I explain why in another article).

Here is how not to do it.

This article is available only to subscribers to the Practical ICT eJournal. Click the link to find out more about this low-cost subscription.


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Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Partnerships, not teamwork


If part of your role is to get others to use educational technology in the curriculum, then what you need to do is forge partnerships and not, as is commonly surmised, focus on teamwork.

The differences between the two need to be understood if you are to stand a reasonable chance of being successful in effecting large-scale change.

This article is available only to subscribers to the Practical ICT eJournal. Click the link to find out more about this low-cost subscription.


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Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Photographing the curriculum

Phone camDigital cameras have been with us now for a decade. But three things have changed in that time.

Firstly, you get a bigger bang for your buck, in terms of image size and quality.

Secondly, cameras on mobile phones have become good enough to mean that people are now starting to dispense with the camera as their means of taking pictures.

And thirdly, cameras have now become inexpensive enough to start to make class sets viable.

So what does all this mean for using ed tech in the curriculum?


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Monday, 26 November 2007

Discussion about "Go On, Bore 'Em" -- Students set the agenda

Go On, Bore 'Em In my book "Go On, Bore 'Em: How to make ICT lessons excruciatingly dull", I looked at the ten most common sources of the problem.

This week: Students set the agenda.


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